Creating Simple Curtain
from rpadc2002

Just want to share my workflow on how to make a simple curtain.
1. In creating curtain i just use point curves under Nurbs. I will just create a zigzag line on my top viewport.
2. Then copy it 5 times, going up.
3. Then create a u loft surface

4. Then apply with material. Note : if the surface dont render, right click on it and convert to poly, then apply with shell modifier ( this alway happened to some computers).
5. to go far, you can reshape it the way you want it to.
Select the nurbs, then go down on modifying panel, browse down on nurbs stack selection by clicking the positive sign and select POINT. select the bottom group of icon, go up to the main toolbar and select Non-uniform scale, select X axis on axis constraint then on you front viewport scale down the object.. as seen on the image. repeat the process until you are satisfied with the shape.
good luck and happy modelling